Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Fostering social inclusion
Author of the Practice AccessLab
Country/EU/Worldwide Worldwide
Short Description AccessLab enhances accessible tourism in Greece by certifying the accessibility of touristic places and offering safe touristic routes in the cities for people with disabilities.
Long Description AccessLab was established in 2017 in Athens as a partnership of urban planners and geoinformatics engineers. It aims at constantly providing smart solutions to improve accessibility and urban mobility. AccessLab develops digital applications and tools, being a trusted partner for local authorities, businesses and individuals.

Modern cities have to successfully face the issues of accessibility and urban mobility. Technological advances open up new horizons and lead to the adoption of social innovation methods. AccessLab is a startup company of urban planners and geoinformatics engineers. They aim to be an integral part of the technology ecosystem and to provide smart mobility solutions for disabled people. Using AccessLab tools, people with disabilities can safely move around the city and search for accessible places with touristic interest.

AccessLab is user friendly and promotes accessible tourism and social inclusion with a focus on people with disabilities.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs Tourism and hospitality businesses can be part of the database and seek an accessibility certification.
Website Open web
Contact info@accesslab.gr


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