Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Environmental protection and conservation
Author of the Practice Electrek Explorer
Country/EU/Worldwide Scotland
Short Description Electrek Explorer, is a mission-focussed company, aiming to help tackle the climate crisis by promoting low-carbon, electric vehicle travel and nature-based tourism.
Long Description Electrek Explorer is developing the following key products. Nat Nav : To help manifest their vision of tackling the climate crisis by promoting low-carbon, electric vehicle travel and nature-based tourism, they have created a Nature Navigation System that helps to recharge and reconnect in nature by navigating through scenic routes with adventures along the way.

Electrips promote the exploration of the natural world for E-Bikes and electric cars while connecting carbon-conscious explorers with nature sites through road trips, trails, walks and activities. The navigation system promotes sustainable nature-based tourism experiences while at the same time contributing to low carbon travel and tourism.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Online platform; other
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for To be paid
Adaptation Needs The navigation system could be further adapted to indicate local sustainable tourism offers and experiences.
Website Open web
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