Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Fostering social inclusion
Author of the Practice Brian Corrieri and Thévi de Coninck​ (Co-founders)
Country/EU/Worldwide France
Short Description FairTrip is the first collaborative mobile application dedicated to inclusive and sustainable tourism.
Long Description t offers the travellers only inclusive and sustainable tourism options. FairTrip’s objective is to create a dynamic for a true and deep change in the way we travel so that the tourism industry can truly become a lever of inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as a vector of world poverty reduction. The FairTrip app helps travellers to find local and authentic places that would allow them to live special and unforgettable travel experiences while at the same time having a positive impact on the visited place by directly benefiting the local community.
FairTrip references restaurants, different types of accommodation or outings, shops, associative structures, farms... More than 2,000 ethical and responsible establishments all over the world are referenced for their positive impact. As a user on the website or the application, everyone can easily add their favorite places, but they must meet certain criteria: be authentic, green, local, supportive and fair. FairTrip team validates the places submitted and registers them on the platform. Everyone can become a contributor to the guide and enrich it! To be referenced on FairTrip, each place needs to promote fair, social, solidary and sustainable tourism, meeting a set of guidelines. FairTrip aims to promote and develop sustainable tourism according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)'s definition.​ The app is available on the app store for devices using Android and IOS.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs None
Website Open web
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