Title | Description |
Practice Category/(ies) | Environmental protection and conservation |
Author of the Practice | Glooby |
Country/EU/Worldwide | Worldwide |
Short Description | Glooby is a travel search engine on an easy to use web platform. |
Long Description | Glooby is a travel search engine that enables users to find and compare prices of airplane tickets and hotels, while indicating the most fuel-efficient flights and eco-labelled hotels. Glooby works with leading airlines, travel agencies and booking sites to find the most sustainable flights to the best prices. They also search over 500,000 hotels from a variety of booking sites and hotel chains and show the client all information they need to make better travel decisions. |
Type (online platform/ mobile app) | Mobile app |
Target Group | Professionals |
Free/To be paid for | Free |
Adaptation Needs | None |
Website | Open web |
Contact | |