Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Circular economy
Author of the Practice City to Sea CIC
Country/EU/Worldwide UK including international online retailors
Short Description Refill is an app that connects the user to places to eat, drink and shop while generating less waste.
Long Description Refill works by connecting people with locations where they can eat, drink and shop with less waste. Besides making refill and reuse options more available, the app also helps to:
-Tackle plastic pollution and reducing waste;
-Combat climate change;
-Provide access to safe, clean drinking water;
-Empower individuals and communities.

Anyone can download the free app to find local refill stations near them. Businesses that would like to participate can simply sign up to the app and put a sticker in their window, alerting passers-by that they are welcome to come on in and get a refill. The app is available on the app store for devices using Android and IOS.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals and educators
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs The offer of the app could be expanded and some features might need to be adapted to other locations.
Website Open web
Contact ludo@citytosea.org.uk


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