Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Promotion of sustainable rural development
Author of the Practice Regional Tourism and Congress Committee of Hauts-de-France and the three tourist offices of Aisne, Oise and Somme
Country/EU/Worldwide France
Short Description Online tool for local authorities to promote offers, activities or accommodation.
Long Description The platform makes it possible to promote the local tourism offer on several sites and applications at the departmental level and the data is also shared in OpenData on the DATAtourisme website which makes it possible to group tourist information and distribute it to the promoters of digital projects. There is currently no specific focus on the promotion of sustainable offers, activities or accommodation. However, this type of tool could be very relevant in promoting such an offer as well as highlight those businesses and providers who engage in sustainable practices.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Online platform
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs Yes if there was a reference to sustainable professionals and stakeholders among all of those participating then this could be a very good tool for a local ecosystem to work with.
Website Open web Open web


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