Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Fostering social inclusion
Author of the Practice Junta de Andalucia
Country/EU/Worldwide Spain
Short Description Turismo Accessible en Andalucia is an app that serves as an accessibility guide for tourists.
Long Description This application allows tourists to check the accessibility of tourism destinations of Andalusia. Each resource has a description, photographs, contact details and assessment of the indicators measured with regard to accessibility, grouped by categories: Access to resource, mobility inside, toilets for public use, information and spaces/services specific resource use.
The goal of the app is to promote accessible tourism, encouraging actions that favour the promotion and consolidation of those tourist destinations committed to quality and excellence throughout the tourism value chain. The app is available on the app store for devices using Android and IOS.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals and educators
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs The app is just for the Andalusian region but could be adapted to other places.
Website Open web
Contact -


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