Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Promotion of local products
Author of the Practice Access Earth Marine de Beaufort and Mathieu Chevalier (Voy'Agir)
Country/EU/Worldwide France
Short Description Voy'Agir is a collaborative platform for responsible tourism where travellers reference tourist addresses
Long Description Voy'Agir is a collaborative platform for responsible tourism where travellers reference tourist addresses (accommodation, restaurants, activities, museums, shops, etc.) that have adopted a more united, organic and local approach that helps to reduce their ecological impact in the countries visited. Voy'Agir proposes collaborative solutions that allow independent responsible travellers to find the information they need to organise their trips based on the recommendations of other travellers and their advice. The website allows all the institutions involved to have more visibility on the internet and helps travellers improve their behaviour and their social and environmental impact.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Online platform
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs None
Website Open web
Contact hello@voyagir.org


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