Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Environmental protection and conservation
Author of the Practice Bikemap
Country/EU/Worldwide Worldwide
Short Description Bikemap is a cycle routes network built by cyclists all over the world. Available for IOS and Android.
Long Description Bikemap has the goal to share incredible routes with cyclists that like to travel using bikes. This app offers over 9,4 million unique routes in more than 100 countries, helping people to find the most suitable route for the purpose. Providing the user with technology for route planning and navigation, the app promotes cycling and makes it easy for anyone to get on the bicycle. Cycling is not just good for health, but it also improves local air quality and reduces carbon emissions. It is also a way to discover local natural and cultural heritage in tune with nature. The app is available on the app store for devices using Android and IOS.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals and educators
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs None
Website Open web
Contact office@bikemap.net


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