Title Description
Practice Category/(ies) Circular economy
Author of the Practice Tookki
Country/EU/Worldwide France
Short Description Tookkie is an application that helps users to find eco-friendly tourism destinations and activities.
Long Description The app is available for Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille. The collaborative app has already referenced 100 places with a sustainable approach in the capital, selected by users but also by the app team according to five criteria:
- Local provision
- Organic: food and textiles - Green: less impact (waste, energy and resource management)
Fair trade: from recognised channels Solidarity: inclusive equipment and professional integration

Tookki is a sustainable city guide that helps users reduce their ecological footprint during their leisure time and city trips. With the app people can find an eco-friendly hotel, organic restaurant, slow-fashion shop, a green activity or a zero emission means of transportation that are aware of the environment and local populations. The app is available on the app store for devices using Android and IOS.
Type (online platform/ mobile app) Mobile app
Target Group Professionals
Free/To be paid for Free
Adaptation Needs The app could be extended to other cities or places in France and Europe or similar apps could be developed that reflect local and regional needs.
Website Open web
Contact contact@tookki.com


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